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The Evolution of Soda Dispensing


Consultants on Tap is a custom beverage dispense equipment distributor providing the latest technology obtainable on the market today.  We supply the most dependable and highest quality beverage dispensing systems custom designed for every application, allowing proprietors to achieve maximized profits and efficiencies from beverage sales.  Our mission is to provide cutting edge consultation that focuses on proprietor's desires as well as providing innovative and profitable solutions to every beverage dispensing need.


Whether replacing an old system or starting from scratch, Consultants on Tap provides beverage equipment ranging from Institutional to Bar Equipment, and much much more.


Remote beverage systems (specifically "on tap" systems) are an ever growing sector of the food/beverage industry, well beyond traditional draught beer systems.  This requires expertise in various types of "pre" and "post" mix as well as carbonated and non-carbonated products.  Consultants on Tap's knowledge of this expanding market gives operators an opportunity to maximize profits, streamline bar and counter space, and provide state of the art aesthetics for their customers.



About Consultants on Tap

Custom Design Engineers


Professional Installation

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Our Manufacturing Partners


Custom Design Engineers

From idea through installation to grand opening and beyond, Consultants on Tap works with operators on planning, design, drawings, construction, installation, operation and management of your beverage systems.


Our experience and collaboration with factory engineers provides the operator with the best possible team of experts to advise and manage your beverage equipment plans.



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Professional Installation

Our Nationwide network of professional installers are factory trained experts with years of dispensing technology experience.


They are beverage refrigeration and dispensing technology installers that specialize in refrigeration equipment, dispensers, refrigerated lines and the hardware necessary for dispensing any beverage.


Our installers are trained to receive and ensure the safe delivery of your system at the exact right time for an on-time, least costly installation! 

professional installation
custom design engineers
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